The Voice of a Vibrant Older Community Thriving in Place

Edgemont Park, Montclair

Since our founding in 2015, Aging in Montclair (AIM) has been the proud voice of older adult residents of the Montclair area. Our programs support and educate our 600+ members and provide the social connections that are so important as we age.  Membership is free, and we invite all residents age 55 and older to join us. As a member, you will receive information on all upcoming activities and volunteer opportunities. If you are not yet a member, please join our efforts on behalf of all who are aging in the Montclair area.   

We Inform, Advocate and Engage with a Focus on Senior Concerns

AIM offers ongoing facilitated small group programs.

Aging Together - Conversations on Aging : confidential, facilitated discussions that foster relationship-building and consciousness-raising.

Caregiver Support Group: confidential, facilitated meetings where caregivers can share feelings and experiences. (New groups forming soon).

Widow and Widowers Connection: open, positive discussions to help those who have lost spouses/partners to navigate your “new normal.” (New groups forming soon).

Men’s Treehouse Group:  an opportunity for men to meet and socialize around areas of interest. (New group forming soon).

AIM promotes discussion and action on topics important to our members.

Housing Advocacy: AIM has representatives on the Montclair Senior Housing Action Group (MSHAG) which takes positions on local housing issues impacting older residents in the community.

Voter Education: Before last spring’s municipal election, AIM joined with the  Montclair Local  and League of Women Voters to co-sponsor NJ’s first virtual Candidate Forum.

Civic Engagement: AIM board members attend Council meetings and advocate for senior-friendly policies.

Advocacy Partnerships:  AIM partners with Lifelong Montclair, Montclair Gateway to Aging in Place (MGAP), and other local organizations working toward our shared goal of a community where all older adults can “thrive in place.” 

Summer Social 2024

We Celebrate our Aging Culture

We offer programming on a variety of topics that represent your interests and concerns. 

We are here to listen. Call 973-707-5088 or email to leave a question or comment. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Photo by Norman Rosenblum

Photo by Norman Rosenblum

We Have Fun

Social relationships and meaningful activities are important elements of successful aging, and AIM membership offers many ways to connect. Our monthly Saturday programs, present speakers on a variety of topics and help us connect to new and old friends. Members of AIM committees engage with each other while providing important support to our volunteer organization. We have learned to appreciate Zoom as a way to connect with each other during our social isolation, but we are now offering in-person AIM events. In July we ride and march in Montclair’s Fourth of July Parade, which has been a highlight of our event calendar since the founding of AIM!